Shot in Cambodia and inspired by Qiu Miaojin’s classic queer novel, Notes of a Crocodile follows an unnamed woman as she wanders the changing streets of Phnom Penh in search of a lost friend. Along the way, she encounters both humans and animals, capturing the city’s dynamic essence. The film has been featured at the Toronto International Film Festival and the Museum of Modern Art’s Modern Mondays in New York.
Daphne Xu (1992) is a Chinese Canadian artist and filmmaker exploring the politics and poetics of place, and diasporic affect through photography, film, video installation, and printed matter. She earned a BA in Anthropology from Brown University, and a Master in City Planning from the MIT. Her creative practice engages observations of the everyday, and lived experiences of contested landscapes, primarily in contemporary Chinese contexts. A co-founder of the Sponge Gourd Collective, she also produces public art projects and is currently a Film Study Center Fellow at Harvard University.
Available for online screening from 14 December