The documentary explores the displacement of a family during the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus through four generations of women, including the filmmaker’s infant daughter. The film intertwines memory and narrative, grappling with the past to preserve family history. It challenges conventional archival methods by resisting mystification, aiming to document the act of archiving while addressing the emotional weight carried by those shaped by postmemory. The film was selected for the Open City Documentary Festival and BFI London Film Festival.
Maria Anastassiou is an artist and filmmaker whose work explores the form and application of filmmaking structures and processes as entry points into place, histories, community and collaboration. Selected screenings and exhibitions include: BFI London Film Festival, Whitney Museum NYC, Benaki Museum Athens, NiMAC Cyprus, Courtisane Festival, Ghent, Berwick Film and Media Festival UK, Open City Documentary Festival London. She is currently a resident at A House for Artists in London and a PhD candidate in Film by Practice with the University of Exeter and the London Film School.
Available for online screening from 10 December