On the anniversary of the violent murder of activist, anti-fascist and drag queen Zak Kostopoulos, George, a well-established young lawyer, tries in vain to lay a flower bouquet at the impromptu monument, which is guarded by police. While an activist protest in front of the monument is in progress, George's business meeting is constantly interrupted. As a result, he is confronted with his deepest feelings and comes to a rupture with his work environment.
The writer and director Konstantina Bousboura is an anthropologist, documentary filmmaker and human rights activist. In her films she explores the relationship between dance and politics through an ethnographic approach.
The writer/co-director/choreographer Ariadne Mikou is a dance researcher who collaborates with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice since 2020 [www.amikou.com].
The popping choreographer Stella Koulouvardi is a street dance artist and dance project creator, using robotic body language as a symbol of an imaginary aesthetic, combined with comic, drama and powerful movement skills.