The films screened here were shot by important cinematographers in the Greek and international film industry. The programme highlights their contribution, not exactly because they were born women, but because in cinema, as elsewhere, the game is still not equal. Moreover, now that we know that gender is fluid, we may oncemore ponder on what a “feminine gaze” might mean.
Babette Mangolte and Chantal Akerman created a version of the female gaze in a time of intense feminist claims (Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Brux-elles,1975). Here, we showcase The Room (1972), their first experimental film and also their documentary News from home (1976), with the strange images of Manhattan. Also, in Greek premiere, the film Lives of the performers (1972) by the great choreographer and director Yvonne Rainer, with whom Mangolte shared the same feminist and artistic sensibilities.
The acclaimed Agnès Godard has repeatedly and closely collaborated with the important French director Claire Denis and has contributed to the characteristic visual style of her films, where the images themselves have a poetic self-worth. The award-winning films Beau travail (1999), Bastards (2013) and Let the sunshine in (2017) are screened.
The awarded Daria D'Antonio, a collaborator of Paolo Sorrentino (The hand of God, 2021) has said that she is in love with her work: "I am in love with stories, people, places, reading, looking and observation”. The films Flesh out (2019) by Michela Occhipinti and Remember? (2018) by Valerio Mieli are screened.
For Olympia Mytilinaiou, cinematography is not just a profession but a way of life. Among others, she is a collaborator of Panos H. Koutras (Strella, 2009, Dodo). Here, she selected 7 short films that she has filmed, as well as the film Ι still hide to smoke (2016) by Rayhana Obermeyer.
Katerina Maragoudaki has a long professional experience and reputation in theatrical lighting and cinematography. She was the first woman director of photography to be awarded at the Thessaloniki Film Festival for the feature film Before the end of the world by Panagiotis Maroulis in 1996. The award-winning documentary Prespa lakes two drops in a waterworld (2021) by Androniki Christaki is also screened.
Finally, Christina Moumouri, known for the film Zizotek (2019) by Vardis Marinakis, filmed the award-winning documentary for a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Happy Princes (2018) by Panos Deligiannis.
Curation: Ioulia Mermigka, Nepheli Gambade
Programming: Jacob Skenderidis
Introduction: Ioulia Mermigka

Ι still hide to smoke
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Creatures of the night
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Before the end of the world
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Prespa Lakes two drops in a waterworld
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