A scientist who is on the verge of an important discovery, is at the same time faced with a terrible secret about the life of our planet, he accepts the advice of an old and marginalized colleague, while strange things are happening around him. Suddenly a mysterious woman appears in his life, at the same time that his colleagues and associates disappear or go to the sidelines. With several thriller elements, this science fiction film plays with the concepts of totality and compensation, the mechanisms of which are activated when something threatens to disrupt the order of the universe.
Katerina Maragoudaki has designed the lighting for more than five hundred and fifty theatrical, dance and musical performances in Greece and abroad. She has also worked as a cinematographer in many feature and short films, TV series, documentaries, theatrical videos and commercials. Since 2005 he has been teaching
at the Department of Cinema and Television Photography of the New York College of Athens, while he regularly gives lectures and seminars at university and theater schools. She has received many awards for her theatrical lighting and for her cinematography in short and feature films.