A Greek-American film director returns to his native land after many years, searching for three reels of undeveloped film shot by the Manakis brothers, two pioneering fimmakers of the Balkans.
A.’s desperate search for the first cinematic gaze on this peninsula, also fulfills A.’s (Angelopoulos’s) need to pursue a new viewing of the world. Now that all ideologies have collapsed, now that the
socialist dream has flowed into the river of history, the adventure of the gaze is the only adventure to narrate.
Theo Angelopoulos (1935-2012) was one of the most important Greek auteurs. He studied law at the University of Athens and cinema in Paris (Sorbonne and IDHEC). His films have been screened at many international festivals and have won many awards and distinctions, while he and his work hold an important place in world cinema and film literature.