Nuria Giménez has masterfully handled amateur film footage shot by her grandparents in the 1950s and invented the life of Vivian Barrett. In her diaries, Vivian quotes excerpts from the fictional writer-guru Paravadin Kanvar Kharjappali: “Lies are just another way of telling the truth. The desire to believe is the hand of the man hanging from a cliff and clinging to the only stone that would seem to save him. But he always ends up falling because the stone is a mirage, just as the cliff is. Death is awakening from this dream in which the essential can be said and in which the continuous and infinite has a beginning, an end and a meaning.”
Nuria Giménez
Nuria Giménez (Barcelona, 1976) studied journalism, international relations and documentary filmmaking. She has lived in Berlin, Paris and London doing different types of jobs, most of them unrelated to cinema or to each other. In the last decade, she has extended her knowledge thanks to seminars and master classes of several filmmakers she admires, like Patricio Guzman, Stephen Frears or Frederick Wiseman, among others. Her first short film, "Kafeneio", was presented at DocumentaMadrid 2017 and MIDBO 2017. “My Mexican Bretzel” is her first feature film.