“Froth On A Daydream” is a surreal novel on love, in which parts of Vian’s life are reflected. Vian summarized it as: “Colin meets Chloé. The fall in love. Chloé gets sick, Colin is financially destroyed to save her. The doctor cannot save her. Chloé dies. Colin will not live much longer”. Although Charles Belmont’s film is not completely faithful to the book, the cinematic adaptation renders imaginatively Vian’s literary universe, as in the case of shrinking apartments and spaces. Both the book and the film refer to the existential problems of youth, sickness, death and mad love. If, in the novel, one could see elements of the reality of the Liberation and of 1947, year thai ti was written, in the film one could see elements from the critical and liberating era of May ‘68.
Charles Belmont
Charles Belmont was born in 1936 in France. He was an actor and director, best known for the adaptation “Spray of the Days” (1968) based ona novel by Boris Vian, “Pour Clémence” (1977) and “Rak” (1972). He died in 2011 in Paris.