Back stroke butterfly, front crawl and bras, we are awash in an ocean of bubbles. Meanwhile Captain Ahab sets sail on his magic carpet in search of the whale. All is not well in the world but Eden is there, fresh from her garden, tuning into “The Far Away Land”. We are deep in the cloud of our own making but help is at hand, and everything might yet be alright.
Andrew Kötting
Andrew Kötting, born in Elmstead Woods in 1959, is a British award-winning artist, filmmaker and Professor of Time-Based Media at the University for the Creative Arts in Canterbury. After leaving school he worked as a scrap metal dealer and then as a failed lumberjack in Scandinavia before returning to study for a BA in Fine Art at Ravensbourne College of Art & Design and thereafter graduating with an MA from The Slade in London. He has made over a hundred short films, often in collaboration with artists, writers, dancers and performers, which have been awarded prizes at international film festivals. He currently tries to live and work between Hastings on the south coast of England and Fougax-et-Barrineuf in the forests of the French Pyrenees, producing performances, installations, bookworks, Cds and vinyls, often in collaboration with his daughter Eden.