Saturday, 21 October at 21:30
Rome, in the middle of summer. Alex, Brenda et Kevin, ride on motorcycle between the coastal countryside and the Eternal City, attempting to resist the inexorable advance of time and heat. Alex has just turned 19, Brenda is pregnant, and Kevin writes all over his tag with his own name : all three are trying to leave their mark on the world. An unbroken chain of situations, contradictions, in a narrative construction that evokes a postmodern coming-of-age novel. The individual experiences that Alex, Brenda, and Kevin have are rungs on the ladder in the process of finding their way, growing, maturing, and acting out of instinct but, step by step, catalyzing the race to Alex’s cry: "I EXIST.” Alain Parroni's directorial debut, co-produced by Wim Wenders, was awarded the Special Jury Prize at the Horizons of the Venice Film Festival.
Alain Parroni was born in the Roman countryside on 14 February 1992, and earned a diploma in Graphic Arts and Photography, exploring the techniques of traditional animated film and of VR. Shortly after turning 18, he co-directed an episode of Leonardo Carrano’s AETERNA, showing with him at MAXXI in Rome. In 2017, his short film ADAVEDE was presented at the 32nd Settimana Internazionale della Critica (Venice International Film Critics' Week), and went on to take honours worldwide. In 2018, he started developing his first work in the setting of Torino Film Lab. In 2023, he won the Solinas Experimenta Serie prize, while working as a photographer with some of Italy’s most important directors.
Director in attendance