Tuesday, 24 October at 21:45
It often happens that after death trans women are deprived of their identity. Families are ashamed; their funerals take place in great secrecy and the male name given to them at birth is engraved on their gravestones. That's what happened to Antonia, too. Her friends gather to invoke her, in an attempt to give Antonia her denied femininity. The protagonists, stars of the boundless trans constellation, give life to this story by telling their own experiences, reliving the memories of their journeys.
Roberta Torre was born in Milan. After studying philosophy, she followed courses in Acting and Drama and in Film Direction and Screenplay. She directed two musicals, the first being the cult film Tano da morire and the second, Sud Side Story, a musical adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, presented at the 57th Venice Film Festival. Since then, she has devoted herself mainly to feature films, which have won awards at major festivals, including those in Venice, Cannes and the Sundance Film Festival, competing in the WorldCinema Dramatic Competition section twice with Angela and I baci mai dati. Winner of several David di Donatello and Nastri d'Argento with the titles Tano da Morire( 1998), Angela (2001), Mare Nero (2006),I baci mai dati (2010), Riccardo va all'Inferno (2017). Currently she just finished working on her new film "Mi fanno male i capelli".