In Fellini’s swansong, a former psychiatric inmate, Ivo, attempts in vain, to win over the blonde Aldina, whom he identifies with the moon—the cause of his madness. At the same time, he encounters an assortment of crazy and moon-struck personalities, amongst them a certain Gonnella, who drawn him in, his conspiracy theories. Together, they become lost in the Italian countryside, that was no too long ago, the setting of Fellini’s realistic fictions—but has now been transformed, into an unfamiliar dystopia of frantic consumerism; media domination and neo-idolatry. The unrecognisable Italy of Berlusconism, where the Brothers Micheluzzi, manage to imprison the moon in a barn! Despite the outstanding leading comic duo of Roberto Benigni and Paolo Villaggio, the calm despair of this elegiac, self-assured narrative—disappointed the critics, to great sorrow of its ageing creator, who loved the film like a father of a “troubled” child.