When Lionel learns by chance that his family originates from Poland, a chain of events is set off that will change his and his sister Lucie’s lives forever. Brother and sister make their way to eastern Europe in a “borrowed” car from Radio Suisse, not completely sure if they are descendents from a Polish family. However, getting involved in a car chase in Slovakia is a sure thing, as is the stolen car, white wedding, and false passports. The road to Warsaw is an adventure! And somewhere in Poland, a horse drowns every night.
Lionel Baier
Born in Lausanne in 1975 in a Swiss family of Polish origins, Lionel Baier programs et co-manages the Rex Cinema of Aubonne since 1992, before studing humanities at the University of Lausanne (1995-1999). Following the documentary Celui au pasteur and La Parade (Our History), he directs his first feature film in 2004, Garçon stupide. His next films are Comme des voleurs (à l’Est) -first episode of a tetralogy- that continues with Longwave/Les Grandes Ondes (à l’Ouest), -which was screened as opening film to the 7th Athens Avant-Garde Film Festival organized by the Greek Film Archive in 2013- then Un autre homme or La vanité in a filmography of fictions and documentaries in several formats. Director of the Movies department at the ECAL (Art school of Lausanne) since 2002, he co-founds Bande à part Films in 2009 and is the vice-president the Swiss Cinemathèque’s board of administration.