

Program of the Larisa Cinema Club, a branch of the Greek Film Archive. The front cover bears the title of the film that is being screened "IVAN THE TERRIBLE" by Sergei Eisenstein. The film is shown at the “ACROPOLE” cinema. The fly features an analytical note on the film by B. Bozalis. The note begins with a quote from Eisenstein’s own notes which, among others, mentions that “the great and celebrated personages of the past governed the fate of millions of people according to their limited beliefs [...] It is time to reveal the lies regarding those paid romantic heroes ". Eisenstein attempts to dramatize the story, though being forced to promote Ivan’s epic and heroic qualities, in the spirit of his time. Nevertheless, the film also criticizes the situation, a fact that resulted in its μερική condemnation by the Stalinist state, as it portrays Ivan like being weak and undecided, like Hamlet. Later on, Louis Marcorel wrote about the film that it was a truly grand Stalinist work in the history of the cinema, yet also reactional and truly revolutionary, corroborating that high power is the deceptive myth par excellence. The program ends with a very interesting note: the screening of the second part of the film internationally will be permitted after Khrutsev’s conviction of the Stalinist view on the cinema in the Second Communist Conference in 1953. The program also contains an αναγγελία to the film that is planned for the following week “EYE FOR AN EYE " and a full-page advertising insert on the back cover.
  • Pages 4
  • Τόπος Έκδοσης LARISA
  • Language GREEK, MODERN (1453 - )
  • Height 29,5 CM
  • Width 21 CM
  • Paper Type ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΟ
  • Status ΠΟΛΥ ΚΑΛΗ
Has 4 pages of program



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