Program of the Pyrgos Cinema Club, a branch of the Greek Film Archive.
Following the credit and the note that this is a reissued version of 1968, under the supervision of G. Alexandrov and with a music score by Dmitri Sostakovic, there is a note on the film, edited by Christos K. Christodoulou.
"TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD", by Sergei Eisenstein, constitutes both a “film manifesto” of the 1917 Revolution, shot only 10 years later, and a monograph on the visual registration of the great historical moments of our time.
The author begins with a reference to the great innovation of the so-called “film time” introduced by Eisenstein in “OCTOBER”. There for the first time, the actual period of 19 days (days that shook the world in this case) is incorporated into “filmic time”, namely two hours. The program then praises the film’s technical virtues: the montage that belongs to the so-called. "recomposed" documentary and is enhanced by two more elements: the amateur actors and natural settings. Eisensteni’s love for the baroque, with its careful cadres and the plastic compositions, is expertly set off by the cameraman, Edward Touchais, as well as the intellectual use of symbols. The note concludes with the notion that “OCTOBER” does not reach the perfection of the "BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN", yet it becomes an inseparable part of the director’s genius.
- Pages FLYER
- Τόπος Έκδοσης PYRGOS
- Language GREEK, MODERN (1453 - )
- Height 29,5 CM
- Width 21 CM
- Status ΠΟΛΥ ΚΑΛΗ