35mm B&H model EYEMO Movie Camera set
Classic 35mm movie camera, first introduced as a model at the end of the ‘20s. A particularly rugged construction preferred by army cameramen during World War II, while, for the same reasons, it is still used today for special shoots as a ‘crash-camera’. It is accompanied by a chassis/film magazine of 120m capacity & Daylight-Spool of 30m capacity, Head PROFESSIONAL JR TRIPOD S. N. # 11744 CAMERA EQUIPMENT CO, USA PAT. No 2318910
- Date of Manufacture 1950-60
- Country of Manufacture Great Britain
- Technical Specifications Film format: 35mm, wound motor drive & electrical, non-reflex view-finder. As a “wound” camera it allows one to shoot for 20’’ at 24 fps, with frame rate: 8-48 fps.
- Lenses Lens-Turret: 1) KINAR, 50mm, f-2.3, S. N. # 1750, GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CO, CHICAGO, USA 2) BALTAR 25mm f-2.3, S. N. # BF1633, BAUSCH & LOMB OPT. CO, USA
- Label Information BELL & HOWELL CO, S.N. # 590888, CINE MACHINERY, it is recorded on the label as «EYEMO» «Makes movies as the eye sees», CAMERA 71.