16mm/35mm STEENBECK model ST-721 Horizontal Editing Machine
This model has an eight-plate combination, two + two for image and a corresponding two + two for the sound, as well as two screens and speakers. The film is loaded from left to right. Horizontal editing systems (Steenbeck, Intercine, Prevost, KEM), gradually replaced the standing “moviola” systems, since they were more comfortable for long working hours, inflicted less damage to the film thanks to their especially complex “curl” feed, while they could also be used for checking the prints. They were first designed for the more delicate 16mm, and gradually, due to their convenience, they consolidated their position as the modern standard for contemporary editing, until the arrival of the famous non-linear system offered on various computers. Even today, however, there are cinema people who prefer the rhythm and the hands-on creative editing process that these ‘environments’ offer. At the same time, they provided exceptional quality and precision for editing sound, although, for those brought up in the American system, the same doesn’t apply for the image: See the relevant reference in the description of the UPRIGHT- MOVIOLA. This model is from the late 1970s.